
Dream Project:

One in which the client allows me to take risks and use the element of surprise. Often, the most unexpected combinations bring about the most spectacular results…

Ideal Work Environment:

Mid-morning light, open window, huge butcher block table, blank paper, new pens, and my flip-flops…

Admired Designer(s):

Frank Lloyd Wright. He believed in designing structures that put humanity and the environment in harmony, a philosophy he called organic architecture. His design is rooted in simplicity and strives to enhance the natural beauty of the landscape and surrounding area. His concepts integrate very seamlessly with two of my favorite design aesthetics which are open plans and mid-century modernism.

Charles and Ray Eames. The pair made outstanding contributions in industrial design, furniture design, graphic design, art, architecture, and film. Their captivation with multiple fields in art and design, and beyond, really resonate with me…

Common Misconception:

DIY (Do-it-Yourself)! Beware, particularly after watching the home improvement television shows that we all love. All of the projects look much simpler, faster, and less expensive than they really are! Clever editing, behind-the-scenes work crews, and colossal production budgets can significantly warp our expectation of how quickly and easily it should all come together!

Highest Compliment:

I helped my mother re-design a few spaces in her home and she told me, “Honey, you’re really doing a great job!” It meant the world to me…

Epiphany Moment:

When I realized that strong design doesn’t just look good, but that it changes people’s lives…

Best Advice:

Enjoy the ride, take your time, it makes arriving at the destination much more gratifying…

When Not Designing:

Spending time with family and friends, helping others, playing outdoors, finding new restaurants to try, tackling projects around the house, reading/learning…

Looking Forward To:

Traveling! Monaco, Japan, Hawaii, Australia/New Zealand, and Switzerland are currently at the top of my list…